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The Influential Recruiter with Darrell James

Dec 12, 2018

Career Progression for Corporate Recruiters

In this episode we discuss:

  • Richard's career as a corporate recruiter and career progression throughout the years.
  • The single most important skill, competency or behavior that helped propelled his career. 
  • Richard's role as a mentor on grooming successful careers of other...

Oct 29, 2018

The 5 Reasons Why Recruiting Departments Fail at Diversity Recruiting

  1. Knowing your why
  2. Not knowing the intent of diversity recruiting.
  3. No strategic plan.
  4. Recruiters not having cultural competence.
  5. No accountability.

Contact: Darrell James 

Oct 1, 2018

The Top 10 Greatest Myths of Diversity Recruiting 
10. Diverse talent does not exist
9. You must recruit at an HBCU or a minority Institution
8. A diversity and inclusion initiative must be in place 
7. Diverse talent is not as qualified as nondiverse talent
6. You must recruit diverse talent differently.
5. You must...

Sep 24, 2018

10 Commandments of Inclusion Recruiting
In this episode we dive into the details of inclusion recruiting. What does it really mean to be inclusive when recruiting talent? Applying these ten commandments can create a diversified workplace.
  1. Know Your Numbers
  2. Understanding The Why
  3. Competencies of Influential...

Sep 17, 2018

Do you have what it takes to be an Influential Recruiter? In this episode, I share with you the 17 Competencies of an Influential Recruiter.  Mastery of these competencies will enhance job performance and career growth exponentially. 
As a corporate recruiter, there 4 key stakeholders that you are looking to...